Monday, September 7, 2009

The Next Michael Phelps?

When you have a dare devil child like ours, you try to do anything to make what ever stunt your child attempts a little safer. This weeks attempt was swimming lessons. Linc has never been afraid of the water, which some might think is great, but when you child can't float yet it is a bit scary.

I have been trying to sign him up for lessons all summer and all the sessions have been full. Well they finally had an opening for September. They are done at the Y on Saturdays which works great for us. Although we have been working with Linc all summer long on our own, we can't seem to get the floating down, so I figured a teacher would know how to teach us.

Later on in this post there is a video and you will be able to see what a good swimmer he already is. We just think it is so early for him to have the skills he already has in the water. If they had baby Olympics I think he could be a swimming competitor!

This Saturday was our first class and we had a blast. Another thing I noticed about Linc was how restless he really is. While waiting for the teacher all the other children would sit on their parents laps while Linc would be attempting to get in the pool on several occasions. He just can't sit still, he will be 20 before I can take him to a movie!

Here we are before the lesson, the few minutes he would sit on my lap.

We learned a new way to teach him how to paddle, he already has the kick down for sure.

Daddy was sitting on the side taking video and photos so we had to stop and say hi a lot.

Check out the video of Linc swimming, he is doing so good.

Here he is learning how to climb out of the pool unassisted. He did great but it soon made him tired.
His favorite part of the class was getting this fish to throw around. He kept taking all the other kids fish, but then he would give it back.

The teacher said that we are learning to float next class so I am super pumped. I love this class because it is mommy and me, but I really wanted to take it so that Linc could learn to float so I can't wait!
That evening I spent some time at Niki's. Levi, Linc and Avery had a blast running around with each other. Linc and Avery have both recently learned what kiss means. They both will pucker up there lips and making kissing noises, it is so cute. We told Avery to give Linc a kiss, and well you can see for yourself what happened.

Linc going in for the kiss, and its a hit!

He is like a pro, he even puts his arms around her neck, how romantic, haha!

I don't think he was done kissing.

He had to go in for another one, haha!

Makes me want to go kiss my main squeeze, good night!
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