Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Daddy's Home and a Collage

Yay, Daddy got home safe and with only a few ring worm bruises. Well he does not have ring worm, but if you have ever been hit by a paintball, that is what the bruise looks like. So daddy just looks like he has a lot of circles all over his body. The worst one is on his neck, we will see how long that one stays. He had one hit him behind the ear once and I think the mark is still there, just very faded and that was over 3 years ago.

Daddy said he had a good trip, but we are super excited to all be back together. He was really tired since he ended up driving the whole way back from Colorado. Linc was so funny when he heard him come in. He first looked at me and I said "Daddy's home!" He then went into the hall way and Craig called out to Lincoln, and Linc just started crying. He didn't even know if Daddy was really here, he kept looking at me for reassurance. Also, anytime Craig left the room Linc would call out for him to make sure he was still in the house. I think he really missed his Daddy. It was a long trip for all of us even if Linc and I stayed here.

Well we are glad to have him home and Craig will get to put Linc to bed all by himself tonight as I go to my bootcamp class. That's right, I am putting myself through the torture again, just couldn't get enough. I really want to lose these last six pounds, so I hope one more time in this class can get me to where I can maintain. We will see.

I also got our collage today from Jennifer. It really turned out cute. It looks better on her website, but I wanted to post it here. Hope you all enjoy it!
Linc 18 month collage


nbrawley said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the collage. Oh my goodness, it is soo cute. You HAVE to frame it.

Tori said...

CUTE pics!! What a fun collage!