Sunday, September 27, 2009

Catch Up

Ever since Craig got home on Monday, we have been playing catch up. Catching up on what we did apart, catching up on laundry, catching up on our shows, you get the picture. So I have not had much time to blog this week.

One big announcement before I tell you about our weekend, Linc is sleeping in his crib!!! For those of you who read often, you know that Linc has slept in a pack-n-play since we started sleep training because he was able to get out of his crib. Well after doing some research, I thought that maybe our brackets were too long and that our mattress was sitting up too high. I called the crib company and explained our situation and they sent over some new brackets. Craig put them on Friday night and he has been sleeping in his crib soundly all weekend! Success, he now has his room back without the pack-n-play right in the middle.

Friday's when I have to work, the day normally goes super slow and I just can't wait to get home. While I still had the feeling of not being able to wait to get home, this Friday went pretty fast at work. I had a lot of things to take care of, especially since I was asked to be the President of the Child Care Board at our work, YAY! I had to work with the old president to find out what my new duties would be. I also went to lunch with my parents at Love Shack. It is a new burger joint close to downtown, and it is great! Before I knew it, the clock said 3 and it was time to head home. We stayed in Friday night and had Outback to go, it was great.

Saturday, Niki and I had big plans to hit up the bi-yearly McMoms garage sale in Keller. It is a garage sale hosted by the mom's of multiples club and they always have great kids stuff. It is like waiting at a sample sale, you have to wait for them to open the doors. Niki and I got there right before they opened so we could get our hands on the good stuff. Boy am I glad we did, I got some great steals.

This jacket for example. This Ralph Lauren jacket it in great shape and it was only $5! They retail for so much more than that, I was so excited. I was going to take pictures of all the stuff I got, but I forgot to before Linc went to bed, so these are shots I found on the web.

I also got this Gymboree Christmas outfit, well the pants and shirt only. But now I only have to go get the sweater. I think those both together were $7! I know I would have paid way more, and it was also like new.

I also got him a pair of jeans, pair of shoes, 8 more long sleeved shirts, and two toys all for $56 total. It was a great sale. They are having one again in March.

Linc had his final swim lesson and did great. I think he learned a lot and now we just have to reinforce what he learned. Saturday night we went over to the Brawley's for lasagna and a movie, but Niki and I fell asleep watching it. It was a lot of fun, but I think Niki and I were super tired from going to the garage sale so early.

Sunday Linc slept in until 8:20! That is a new record for him. It must be because he is sleeping in his crib now which I would have to imagine is much more comfortable. We had a pretty relaxed day of shopping and napping. We did print out some of our pictures from his 18 month shoot, we can't wait to hang them up and pass some out!

Since I always like to end on a fun note, I thought these pictures would be appropriate. Earlier in the week I made meatballs for the first time and what is meatballs without spaghetti? Well Linc really enjoyed his meatballs, he love it so much, that he took my plate after he ate all of his and started eating off of mine (mind you I was not even done, haha).

Have a great week!
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1 comment:

Dana said...

Yay for sleeping in the crib- I know you guys are relieved. Also, you need to call me in March so I can go to that sale with you-sounds like you scored big!!!