Friday, September 11, 2009

Introducing Father Fridays

I guess I will attempt to post every Friday, so I am here to introduce Father Friday’s. If you know me I am into electronics and technology; however I never really got into sites like Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and all of the other sites you kids like to spend your time on, so posting on blogs and such is new for me. I just wanted to give everyone my point of view as to what is going on in our life. As a disclaimer I am doing this on my own free will. Also, if you use me in any way to make your husband post on your blog I will stop posting. Well maybe not, but I do not what to hear “Why don’t you post, Craig posts.” I just don’t want that guilt on my hands.

Ok back to the story… I am a fairly quite person. Now that doesn’t really mean I don’t like to talk but I am not one to talk about things at length. When I get home Amy always asks “How was work” and my typical response is “Fine” or “Busy.” That should be the end of the conversation, but she has to know what was fine or busy about my day, what I had for lunch, who I went to lunch with, did I have any meetings, how was dropping/picking up Linc, etc… To me “fine” means it was a normal day and nothing special really happened. “Busy” means it was hectic, I had a lot of meetings, or it was somewhat stressful. I like what I do at work but it is fairly monotonous as in my daily tasks do not change from week to week. I may have some fire drills or something new come up, but overall everything is the same day in and day out. So I feel a “fine” or “busy” is sufficient and accurately answers the question.

Now I always return the favor and ask “How was your day.” That is when I get in trouble. As you may have noticed, from the multiple posts, Amy loves to talk and explain every single detail. I really feel I could probably step into Amy’s job tomorrow and perform it fairly well. Not only because I am awesome and super smart, but because she goes into so much detail about what she does. This is a good thing and not a bad thing (trying to fill in the hole I know I’m digging).

What is the point of this post??? Not really sure… I guess I wanted to give an example of how opposite our personalities are. This has really helped us become a strong couple. Oh crap, here I go again. Man I really need to talk about what sports I want Linc to play or what kind of car I want to build Linc when he gets of age. I guess that will have to be my topic for future posts. Anyways, we really are opposites and we balance each other out fairly well. It is going to be interesting to see which parent Lincoln is going to be like, or if he is going to be a mixture. I think he is going to lean more towards Amy. He loves to talk, he is always on the go, never sits down, whines a lot (just kidding), and he has to have his way (not kidding about this one). He does share some of my traits which give me some hope, but he is predominately Amy.

I guess I should stop here for this week since I am probably waste deep in my hole that I just dug for myself. I will ask again, do you guys (and I mean gals, because let’s be honest mostly gals read these blogs) like these posts? I am not sure what direction I want to go in. Do I just do a carry-over of what Amy does and post daily stuff or do I continue to post touchy feely stuff like this? Maybe I will do a little bit of both, since I will probably run out of “girly” stuff to talk about fairly quickly. Use the comment feature below to let me know what you think. More to come…

1 comment:

nbrawley said...

Ok Craig- Ill stop making Philip feel guilty for not posting. You could have just called me out on that one. But I am glad you do post. I like the sentimental stuff,but a good mix is always nice. Keep up the Father Fridays.