Thursday, September 10, 2009

Labor Day Fun

Welcome to our labor day! It was spent in the sun and cool water with our friends The Brawley's. After a nice morning walk, we headed over to Niki's parents pool for some swimming fun. It was a great day weather wise and the pool felt just right.

Showing Avery some of our new found tricks for how to teach a toddler to swim. Isn't her bow cute!

Niki and her children enjoying some pool time with Mom.

Linc is testing out Avery's float. Most of the time he hates these things, but he tolerated it for a while.

Man is it good to be a baby, now all he needs is a cup of juice and some watermelon.

It's a toss up, swimming or flying? Linc choose to fly.

It was daddy's turn to try the new swim tricks. I was so impressed with how much he really wants to swim on his own.

Avery did not want to get in the water. She has a new found obsession for big drinks and all she wanted to do the whole day was try everyone's drinks. It was pretty cute.

That is one wet face.

Smiley girl!

Is he swimming by himself???

Well almost, but Craig is helping him float underneath. It looked cool though.

Avery and her big drink, the cup is as big as her. Linc looks like he just got caught doing something bad, haha.


Now this picture is real. He was really using those floaties all by himself. If you know about floaties, you have to have some body control in the water for you to actually float or your head will go under. He did so great and we were so surprised.

Hats off to such a wonderful day. Thanks Niki and Philip for a fun time!

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1 comment:

Tori said...

That looks so fun, Amy! Glad you guys had a great Labor Day weekend!

(PS - There are belly pictures on Facebook! I need to put some on the blog, too!)