Monday, June 15, 2009

Well it's official, kinda

Since before we knew we were having Lincoln, I have wanted him to go to the Montessorri School he now attends. When I started working downtown I knew that my dreams would come true. We started him there at around 4 months and I instantly fell in love with his teachers, Ms. S and Ms. D. Ms. S cared for him like he was her own. She knew just how to get him to eat and sleep, and I felt comfortable leaving him with her. Ms. D would always play with the children on the floor and get them to interact with her. It was the perfect second family for my little boy. Coming July he will have been there a year and has never once acted like he didn't want to go inside, he loves and knows this place.

Well, it was time for annual enrollment and when I saw the amount they were raising his tuition up to, I had to make the hard decision to start looking elsewhere. We had planned on moving him anyway when my work's child-care center was opened here, but that had been pushed back to open until the beginning of next year. With the rate increase and everything else in the economy, I just didn't think it wise for us to wait on that because it could keep getting pushed back. Lucky for us, a brand new school opened up really close to Craig's work. We really liked the place and his potential teacher and directors. There are some other great things they offer that our school currently doesn't; breakfast, lunch and snack, open at 6am, have video monitoring, and...the weekly price is about $100 less than we pay now! So it is official, I walked in to his school and gave our 30 day notice.

The hardest part about this decision was that we all got so attached to Ms. S and Ms. D. It is going to be so hard not seeing and talking to them each day. Besides being my child's teacher, they are great people personally and I really enjoyed chatting with them about life. They have made the process of me working that much easier, and isn't that what child-care is all about, being able to leave your child in someone's hands that you trust will treat your child they way you would treat them. That fits them to a T. I asked Ms. S if she would consider being his nanny or opening a home day-care, but she can't do it at this time, but maybe by the time I have my next baby, she is just that good!

So there are going to be some big changes in our house now. Craig will now take Linc to school and he will be going earlier, but he already gets up a 5, so that won't change. I will be able to go to work at 7 now and get home at 5! We will share the dinner making duty instead of Craig always making it, although he does a really good job. I will be more sane in the morning because I won't have to deal with Linc taking everything out of all the nooks and crannies of our house and not putting it back, all while I am trying to get dressed and out the door. We will be saving money, big plus. But most of all, and this was the biggest deal sealer, we will get another hour to spend with Lincoln in the evening. And really that is what I have wanted all along. It is so hard being a working mother and feeling like you never see your child, so although an hour might seem small to most, to me it is like a full day has been given back to me. I can't wait.

Linc's first day of school is the middle of July, so pray that he adjusts and makes a smooth transition. I really hope that his teachers treat him well and love him as their own. If you are a parent with a child in child-care, you know how scary it can be to trust new people with your child. I pray that I can adjust as well and that I can trust them with my precious little Lincoln. I will miss mornings like these.

I always set all our stuff on the bench by the door so I remember to load it in the car and I usually sit my shoes in front of the bench. About 50% of the time I can catch him trying on my shoes and stomping around in them. Isn't it so cute, I will miss that. Hope you all have a great week!

1 comment:

April said...

Love Lincoln's shoes...haha! :) Hope the new school transition goes well. I'm sure that's hard. We need to get together sometime! It's been forever and no one can seem to commit to another game night : )