Sunday, June 7, 2009

Summer Time is for Swimmers

I forgot how much I love the pool. My parents have had a pool the majority of my life, but I have not been using it in the past couple of years. I think last year I only went swimming 2 or 3 times in their pool. Linc was also only 3-4 months old and I really didn't want to get in a bathing suit, haha! This year I have had the strange urge to want to use it almost every weekend. I think I just really want Linc to love the water, just like I did growing up. I have always loved to be in the water. I was a lifeguard, a swim instructor and am even certified scuba diver. I use to live in the water and at the end of every summer my hair would be like straw from all the chlorine in the water. So on Saturday, after I worked out and Craig took his nap (yes, my husband also needs a nap, haha) we headed over to my parents pool for some swim time. The Brawley's joined us on this perfect day to swim.

Here is Avery enjoying a pre swim snack. Philip said she took a 4 hour nap and had just woken up, how is that possible, they have the best sleeping kids!

Big smile, ready for my swim suit Dad!

Hanging in Linc's float with Linc's hat on, he doesn't mind sharing with her. She makes things look good!

Linc and daddy in the sun! The sun was so bright on Saturday, even though I put on sunscreen, I got a huge burn on my back and we didn't get out there until 4 pm! Of course, my son has my husband skins (as well as everything else) and just tanned away.

The happy papa and his munchkin hangin by the hot tub. Philip is bringing the farmer hat back!

I took this picture because it looked like Linc was flying.

Then I cropped it to make him really look like he was flying!

Kiss from mom on our sweet summer day.

Linc was pretending he was in jail on my parents deck.

But two were really loose and so he got through, haha. I will tell my mom to fix that.

After all that play, we headed over to Fudruckers for some dinner, man I had not been there in a while! And then Craig's parents stopped by because they just moved back from Greece! We are so excited to have them home and happy that Linc will get to hang out and meet his grandparents all over again. Our guy is a little shy, so he didn't want to go to them yet, but I know how much he loves them from when Craig's mom took care of him for the first few months of his life.
Oh and today was a success as far as naps go. Linc took a nap in his pack-n-play! I did have to help him a little by patting his back and singing, but after a few mins he was out for a full hour. This is progress, because most of the time he wakes right up if we put him down, so we always have to hold him for nap time or put him in our bed after he is fast asleep. Well I hope everyone is rested because tomorrow starts another long week at work!

1 comment:

Tori said...

Cute summertime pictures, Amy! I was just telling Adam yesterday that I can't wait to find somewhere fun to take our little one to 'swim' next Summer. I've always loved being in the water, so I really want my kids to enjoy it, too. The "flying" picture was too funny, too!