Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Life as a single...at school that is

In this previous post I discussed Lincoln switching schools. Well I realized last week that Linc has been going here for a year and I have never taken pictures of his teachers. So last week I decided I would take some of a few of them. You can see how much they love him!

Here is his main teacher, Ms. Sandra. She has worked in child care all her life and has worked at his school for 5 years. I remember when I first came in to interview the school, she was the one that sat me down and discussed how they value the kids at this school. I remember how fearful I was of taking him anywhere and how she actually made me excited to bring him here. She seems to know children so well and always made us feel welcome. It is hard to describe, but they just have a very special bond, we call her his school mom.

Here is Linc eating his snack at breakfast time. So funny how children don't follow schedules even if you set one out for them. Now what will he eat for snack, ahhhh!

Linc always likes to see what is in the fridge. It is like a magic secret box to him. He just stares when we open it.

He wanted her to open it again.

Here are some of the other teachers at his school. Ms. Deborah is his other teacher for this room, but she does not come in until later. I will have to get a picture of her another day. I just love all his teachers, they are all so sweet to all the children.

Here is Linc with Ms. Sandra again. When I leave everyday, he wants to get in her arms. I think he just needs that comfort when I leave for the day. I really hope that we can get that kind of comfort at the new school.

As you can see in all these pictures that Linc is alone. Since his friend Zachary went to another school last week, he has been the only baby for like 30 mins each morning. So during that time, he gets to do all the fun things with Ms. Sandra's undivided attention.
So I am still sad that he will be moving over, but I am trying to look at the positives of the new school (i.e. money, extra time and food provided). I just never thought I would get so attached to his teachers, but I did and I am glad I did. It has helped me to focus on work when I need to and not worry about my child's care when I was away from him. Less than 14 days until we start the new school, wish us luck.

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