Monday, May 18, 2009

Not Me Monday!

Welcome to my first Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama as a way to confess all the embarrassing things you have done in the past week without really confessing. After you read everything I have not been doing this past week, you can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing as well. Now on with the show...

This past week, while Craig was away I did not eat cereal for dinner 3 nights in a row and try to feed Linc the same thing. Since my child would not eat cereal, i did not feed him jar food since we are trying to get away from it and him on to real food, he is 15 months!

I did not go to Baby Gap twice last week to buy Linc tons of new cloths that we on super sale, hey you can't bet an extra 25% off sale items! And one of those time was certainly not right after Craig returned from his trip, because I would want to spend time with him, right? No, I would not be that insensitive.

My son did not run into the street 3+ times while I was trying to find were a baby bird fell from, no not my son! He did not then get all the brooms and mops out of the garage and pull them to the drive way (not my destructive child) while I climbed a ladder to find the nest. I did not then just throw them back in the garage and not in their place making an even bigger mess of our garage, no, not me.

Linc and I did not take a two hour nap in mommy's bed on Friday, because that would be against sleep training rules. We would not do this again on Sunday and I would not nurse him back to sleep so that we could get another hour of sleep, I would not do that. I also did not get an extra 2 hours of sleep Sunday morning by going into our guest room so that Linc would not know where I am, and then wake me up, haha, not me!

Lastly, I did not open the strawberries, watermelon and a snack pack of chips ahoy cookies so that my child would sit still while I shopped for groceries on Sunday, I would not do that. I also did not buy a few things he reached for so that he would stay quiet, I would not do that.

And this morning I did not let Linc sit on his chair backwards, upside down or sideways just so I could get a good pic of him smiling, I would not do that, I care more about safety. Now it is your turn to confess what you have not done this past week...Happy Monday!

1 comment:

Pink Slippers said...

That's so crazy about our two boys. Mine was born April 17th last year. Our OB said he had only heard that name 18 years ago when he delivered another Doctor's baby. Great name huh?
I just love it!