Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Summer Weather/Washington?

Well I think so, it is super nice out there today. Linc thinks so too, his outfit says so. Baby Gap has the cutest boys clothes!
All the ladies at school said he was too cute in his Hawaiian shirt. I thought it was pretty cute too. Kinda reminds me of my dad, he loves to wear shirts like this. It is so funny at work when ever anyone wares a Hawaiian type shirt, they say they are wearing a Bobby(my dad) shirt. But hey, if it looks good on you, you should wear it. Below he got the lens cap to the camera and hid it somewhere. I just found it this afternoon, haha!

So my dilemma this week is whether or not I should go to Washington and if I should take Linc. Here's the deal, my work has a training they call Boot Camp that they hold in Washington for all new hires. I have been there for a year and half, so I am not super new, but all the sudden my work wants me to go to this training. Maybe most of you think, heck yeah a free trip to Washington and a free 5 night stay in the Ritz, sign me up. Well I would be right there with you if I did not have a baby. Having a baby changes everything, have you heard that? Well it is really ringing true with this decision. One side of me really wants to go. So that side of me thought maybe I could figure out a way to do this and take Linc with me. So I explored options of putting him in one of our 28 federal daycare centers out in DC. It looked like for a while that was not going to happen, then yesterday I got an email saying one around the block from the building would take him for the week! So it looked like this was going to happen. Once the realization hit that this might happen, I got cold feet. I started to think about how we just put him on this sleep program and how the hotel is just one room. How was I going to get us from the hotel to the daycare and me to the building? How was I going to be able to carry all his stuff with me on the Metro, because that is how I would have to get around. They said I could not take any of the provided shuttles since I will have Linc with me and he would not be covered. I have never had to do all this by myself and it is a bit scary. Before you say, why does Craig not just go with you. Well as soon as he heard I might be doing this, he scheduled a trip to CA to visit his suppliers, so he can't go with me now. And both my parents have trips either the week before or after and can't be off two weeks in a row. I know moms do business trips all the time, but I just can't seem to be able to fathom the though of leaving him here and me going. That is the other option I have, to leave him with my parents. I just don't know if I could handle being away from him for a week. Also, he is not weened yet, and that mean I would have to try and ween him in three weeks, yikes! So, I have no idea what to do. Do I go with him, do I go without him, or do I just pass this time and go when he is older? I mean, is it every going to get easier to leave him? I have no idea. I think it might be easier when he is weened and really sleeping good. Also, a test would be for him to stay the night with someone, since he has never done that either. I mean is it really worth it if I am already stressed out and the trip is three weeks away? Who knows, anyway that is my issue for the week. I hope you are all having a good one.


nbrawley said...

Based on what you have said, it seems obvious that you would prefer to stay home with Linc. Although going to WA would be a great opportunity and it would definitely look good to your boss, I am afraid you would be worried sick the entire time. If you are not ready to ween him, I wouldn't take the chance. If you are ready to ween him and would like a little bit of independence, then I say go for it. Although Linc would be confused at first, it would be a great time for him to bond with his grandparents and maybe it will make it easier for them to watch him overnight in the future. Unltimately, I think it all comes down to whether you would be comfortable enough leaving him and whether you are willing to get off the sleeping schedule for a few weeks. Just make sure to do whats best for you and Linc!

Amy G said...

You are spot on! I just don't know what I want to do and I need to make a decision by tomorrow! Thanks for the advice!

Jenn said...

Oh Amy! Yikes! What a hard decision for you to make. I don't know what I would do. I have never left Boston over night either! I am still chicken too leave him! Haha. Anyway, I say if you are not 100% comfortable then don't go because you don't want your trip to be stressful either way-taking him or leaving him. Good luck with whatever you decide!