Monday, April 13, 2009

Sleep Training Nights 2 & 3

We have made it through nights 2 & 3 of the 3 day sleep solutions. Yay! So you want to know how they went. Alright, I'll tell ya.

Lets start with night 2. I mentioned in my last post that it took about 45 mins for him to go down on Saturday night, which was an improvement from Friday night (night 1). He then slept really good, no peeps, until about 1:30. Then he cried for about 5 or so mins and went back to sleep. Then he woke up at 3, 4:30 and 5:30. To me that was a lot of wakings back to back. It took him only about 5 mins to go back to sleep each time, but I don't think he was well rested. He finally got up around 6:40 on Sunday morning, and he was pretty cranky. We think it was because he is teething again. He kept grinding his teeth on my fingers and was putting everything in his mouth. I also don't think he got good sleep because he was pretty tired and cranky all day.

Sunday was night 3. Linc took two naps on Sunday, about an hour each, but was pretty cranky the whole day. We didn't do much, just went out for lunch. So it was a pretty relaxing day. So about 6 we started to get him ready for bed. He ate dinner, played with his daddy, got in his jammies and nursed. We did have some changes in his room on Sunday. I had talked to my aunt on Saturday night and she suggested we play some soothing music in his room. So I had my iPod set up in his room playing Enya. We also covered his pack and play mattress in a soft blanket. Last, I found his favorite soft blanket for him to hold. After I nursed him, I put him down in his pack n' play at 6:50. He cried again when I left to room. Soon after he was getting quite, so went to check the video monitor in my room and he had already fallin asleep. It took him only 5 mins to fall asleep on Sunday night, whoo hoo! He stirred at about 1:30 again, but I don't think he ever fully woke up. He finally woke up at 6:15am! So I would say that was a successful night. We are super pumped about this, and hope that he continues on this path. I know it can go up and down, but I feel like this was a break through for him.

Now it is time for mommy to get some sleep, haha. I am so worried about his wakings I don't think I ever fall in a deep sleep. Anyway, I hope the rest of the week goes good. I am proud of my self for sticking with something and hope to be able to keep sticking with it.

1 comment:

The Norris Family said...

Yeah!! Way to perservere. A few rough nights are totally worth it in the long run. I hope he continues with that trend.