Friday, April 24, 2009

Good Morning Glitter Face

Yay for Friday. I don't think I have worked in the office on a Friday in months! So this one was a dozy. It started out pretty sparkly. Every morning when I am getting ready for work Linc likes to get into all the stuff in our bathroom he can open. One classic thing he does everyday is go into our closet and pull all of my shoes down off the shelf. He then tries on the shoes he likes. And of course he never puts them back. Below is what it looked like after todays tour of my shoes.

Usually that is his most destructive task in the morning, beside pulling out some towel or getting in the wet shower if we forget to close it. Well this morning was a different story. I was drying my hair and Linc was getting into his favorite drawer, my drawer I normally keep just my deodorant in. But this week it has had all kinds of makeup in it because I emptied the stuff I was not going to use for the wedding last weekend. So he has had a super fun time getting all the hair ties and extra mascara out of the drawer. Today he found the messiest thing in the drawer, loose power eyeshadow. And it was pink shimmer at that. I didn't see him have it or open it, because Craig should be watching him while I am getting ready, haha! So all the sudden I see a big poof of pink shimmer rain falling everywhere. Linc turns to me, with the now empty eyeshadow in hand, and gave me the most surprised look. He has eyeshadow everywhere. On his mouth, his pjs, in his hair and hands. I had to take a picture.

I called Craig in, and he is really afraid of glitter, so he halted at the door. He said, "Is that Glitter?" with a worried look on his face. Ever since I have known Craig, he has hated glitter or anything with shimmer. If I wore it, he would not touch my face, haha! Anyway, we had to take more pictures of what a disaster it made our bathroom.

Craig then proceeds to enter the shower and not help because he didn't want to touch the glitter. I told him he had to go change him, so he held him out like he had the stinkyest diaper on the earth, haha! Someone had to clean up the mess on the floor, and we know Craig was not going to. Needless to say, we all got glitter on us trying to get it off of Linc, but we did get it off eventually.

We then put him in his cute outfit Josh (Craig's cubemate) got Linc for his birthday. Now that it is getting warm, we thought it would be good for him to wear. He looked super cute in it.

Here is a quick update on Linc's sleep. He has been doing better, and going down easier. He points to go in his crib now, and will lay down and not cry until I leave the room. Then he will only cry for like 15 secs, so that is great. He has kinda giving up waking at 1:30 now, but has started to wake up around 4:30ish, and does not want to go back to sleep. We have been letting him cry until at least 5 before we go get him. We are not sure if he has just had enough sleep by then, or what. But I will take it for now, because it is way better than waking 3-5 times a night. I think I got 6.5 straight hours of sleep last night, which is more than I have had since I birthed the little guy. Yay, I hope it continues to get better.

Oh and I have decided not to go to Washington. A lot of thought went into it, and I just don't think I am ready. Why go if I am just going to worry the whole time about Linc. Plus, I didn't want to have to speed wean him, so I think this is better for all. Since he is sleeping better, I do want to try an overnight with my parents or my brother. They would both be able to handle him at 5am! Hope everyone has a great Friday!

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