Monday, August 30, 2010

Kennedy's Room is Ready!

With this post, I think I am all caught up, check out my lastest 4 post!
I think we did our fair share of nesting this weekend and last.  I finally got all the stuff ready to be put on Kennedy's walls and had Craig hang everything.  It came together so nicely, I can't wait for you all to see.  But first I want to give a shot out to my hubby for being such a great hubby and partner.  He has gone so above and beyond to help with the coming of Kennedy.  He has been putting Lincoln to bed every night.  He helped me clean the whole house yesterday and has gone on a few 3 hour shopping trips with me.  He is so sweet and I am so blessed to have such a wonderful partner.  Love you Craig!

Last Friday, on my day off, my mom took me to get the best mani/pedi I have ever had.  It took us over an hour, but it was so worth it.  I got massaged on my neck and my legs and it was pure heaven.  She then took me out to lunch and then we stopped over at Babies on the Boulevard.  She wanted to pick out a take me home dress and I thought this would be the perfect place.  We had stopped in at Zoe and Jack's earlier in the week and didn't find a dress, but we did find this super cute sleeping jumper, blankie, bib and hat!  Depending on her size, she might be coming home in this.
Or maybe this.  This is the dress we found at Babies on the Boulevard.  This store is the size of a large bedroom, but my mom and I spent like an hour and a half in there, haha.  They had such cute stuff and I never have a chance to go in there, so I wanted to look at everything!  My parents were so sweet to get both outfits for her, so they will both be going to the hospital with us.  Thanks mom for a wonderful day, it was so needed!
Back to her room, here are some toys.  The cat was my grandma Mildred's kitty.
I love the letters and painting on this wall, it pulled it together nicely with the crib.
I had seen something like this painting at main streets art festival this year.  I thought it was such a cute idea and knew Kennedy had to have one.  After a long search I could never find the artist that did it, so I decided I would attempt to make it.  To make it really special, I asked my mom if I had a baby dress that I could use.  She searched and searched and found the perfect one from when I was 3 months old.  I then just used left over fabric, paint and my baby dress (that is a real dress on there, it was baby pink) to make this fun painting!  I think it turned out great!
I can't take credit for the letters, no those where made for me.  But I love them all the same!  I think they turned our great and Craig and I plan to get a wall word with our last name to go under the letters.  I got the idea of the frame from Ella Resse's room!
Her night stand came in, so I just needed to girly up her lamp and we were good!
I was going to order her a bow hanger, but then I just decided to make it.  I think it turned out just as cute, some things are worth doing yourself!
Maria helped me make the changing pad cover and it goes great with her room.  I have all her blankies in the little basket to the left.
Tori made this for Kennedy, it is so cute!
More room decor
Had to find some place for all those great maternity shots!  Soon to be replaced by pictures of miss Kennedy!
Since we are reusing Lincoln's bouncer, I just threw a blanket over it and now it looks girly!  I also got Lincoln's car seat out ready for Kennedy to come home in.  Lincoln had has a blast with this being out, he loves to climb in and out of it.
Her take me home dress.
Check out all those diapers and clothes! 
I even packed my bag last night, but not because I thought she was coming.  Craig kept asking me if I packed it, so I figured I better get on it.  Maybe it will help her come.  We still need to get a rug for her room, but for the most part it is complete.  I also need to get her pack n' play ready in our room, and then I think we will be completely ready, or as ready as we can be.  Oh, I am so excited!

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April said...

The room looks great! You are just making all kinds of things!! Very creative! So excited for you guys. Hope she comes soon!

Jenn said...

The room turned out so cute!! Love it! Can't wait to meet Miss Kennedy. Praying for a safe and QUICK delivery for you both!

Nancy said...

Amy this room is beautiful! You have done a fantastic job, and what's really amazing is that you had to learn how to sew to do it. Your daughter will feel so welcome and loved!