Friday, August 13, 2010

35 Weeks

On Wednesday Kennedy turned 35 weeks gestation.  I see a countdown in site! Last Friday I had my 34 week check up.  If you remember from my 32 week, they were going to do a sonogram at this one to check the baby's size.  Those where the longest two weeks ever, all I could think was that I was going to have to birth a 10 lb baby!  Well when they did the sonogram we discoved that she is in the 50th percentile and weighed around 5lbs 4oz and was on track for being normal size, whew!  It puzzled me because this time when she measured me I was measuring 38 weeks at 34 weeks!  Now they say it is because I have high amount of amniotic fluid.  She said if I keep trending larger they will check me again with a sonogram to check on my fluid, not sure why, but they know better. 

Other than that, things seem to be pretty normal.  I can tell I am larger faster with this one, becasue it has become very hard for me to exercise now.  I exercised up to the week before with Lincoln and this time I have already stopped all but walking and I am only doing that a little bit.  My back just hurts more now, so standing for too long seems to put strain on it.  I like exercising because I want to be able to make it through a long labor if I have to again.  I am hoping for a much shorter one, but just in case, I want to have the stamina. 

Here are some pictures from 35 weeks!
I already look full term, believe me, I get told everyday, haha!
I also think Lincoln realizes his world is about to change.  He has been acting out a lot lately and not wanting to go to anyone but me or Daddy.  It makes me feel bad for those wanting to hold or play with him, but I know it will pass, right?!
I have another appointment on Wednesday, so we shall see how I am measuring then.  For now, it looks like we will still be seeing her in September and not earlier, and I can't wait!

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