Sunday, July 26, 2009


What a weekend. I think I always talk about how tired I am after the weekend when they are suppose to be for rest, but with a little one, rest is hard to find. Thursday night was the start of my weekend since I had Friday off. Linc had a bath and Craig called me in to find this.

What a cute hair do, he looks like he was from Whooville.

Friday Craig went off to play golf with some work friends. We decided to take Linc to school so that I could get some things done. Craig kept telling me to just relax at home, but I wanted to go workout first. I was planning on going to the Y but as I was driving there a woman exiting our walking trail in Benbrook reminded me it was there. My grandpa use to walk there all the time, but I had not been in a while. It was still cool out so I decide I would do my run there first and then head to the gym for weights. The trail was so nice I had ran 3 miles before I knew it, of course I was tired afterwards, but it was so nice out there. I think all the trees give you the shade and oxygen you need for a good stroll or run.
After I finished up at the gym I was contemplating doing some house work, but got sucked into doing a blog about my wedding dress instead. We have three computers in our house and I never know which one has our pictures on it, in this case it was our desk top, and a very slow and old one at that. It was the one I had in college, so it is like 7 or more years old. All my wedding pictures are loaded there so I had to do my post on that computer. Needless to say, I think it took me 2+ hours to do that post. Plus once I got to looking at my pictures I had to look at them all and remember our beautiful wedding.
After I got done with that it was time to shower and then get Linc to head over to our play date and Natalie's and Owen's house. We had not seen them in a while and so we wanted to catch up. Owen is now 20 months old and Natalie is 16 weeks along with baby #2. This time the boys actually seemed to notice each other and play with one another. It just shows you how much they change in a few short weeks. They were even laughing together, it was so cute.
Linc kept getting this medicine topper that Owen wanted and they chased after each other to get it part of the day.
Here is Mr. Owen, look at those eyes!

Sharing the medicine topper.

Hugs! Lincoln has started to give hugs when you ask him for one, it is so cute.

He got the topper back.

Sitting like his Grandma (Craig's mom). It is so funny to see, because I try to do that and it hurts. I have only seen Craig's mom do that so that must be where he gets it from, haha.

On Saturday we got invited to Asher's 1st Birthday Party. Asher was in Linc's class at the Montessori. He had a Luau themed party and it was really cute. Asher's parent's had set up the whole backyard with a bunch of baby pools for all the kids to play in. We all know how Linc loves the water, so right when we got there he changed into his suit.

"Why are you taking my picture?"

Here is the Birthday Boy, Asher.

Linc swimming in the baby pool. Although you can't tell here, there were tons of people there. And a lot of babies, which was fun.
Asher with Linc's cup, he was thirsty. I never got a pic without some kind of drink in his mouth, haha!

Here is Linc and Will, another classmate from the Montessori. It was so great to see them again and they seemed to remember each other.

I didn't get any pictures of the cake or anyone else, because about 30 minutes into the party Craig had to leave. Our air has not been working great for the past couple of days, so he had to meet the repair man at our house soon after we got to the party. Luckily, Asher lives in our same neighborhood, so Craig just ran back down to our house. He didn't make it back before I left, but Linc and I enjoyed some wonderful cake from Bluebonnet Bakery, yum! I have to rant on swim diapers again. Since I was alone I had to get Linc into the house to get his towel while he was still sopping wet so we would not miss the cake cutting. I picked him up and when I sat him down on the towel, the whole right side of my dress was sopping, no kidding. It was so gross that I had to leave shortly after the cake cutting. I felt bad for leaving early, but the party was a huge success and Asher seemed to have a blast.
So my post is titled Success for a reason and now I will get to it. Remember from a previous post about us setting up Craig's parents house so Linc could stay the night, well this Saturday was the night. We had a game night to go to at my friend April's house. We dropped Linc off at 4:30, but stuck around with him for about an hour. After that we were off to game night and Linc was starting his first sleep over. We had a fun time at game night and that distracted me from thinking about it. We got home about 11:30 and I made the excuse to go see if the spare room was cooler (remember our air is not cooling so great). What I was really doing was going into Lincoln's room to make sure he was not there and that I was not dreaming we took him to his grandparents house. I know that sounds weird, but I was just so nervous about him not being in the house. I was excited to sleep in, but I was tossing the whole night because I was not hearing his little movements on the monitor. I woke early, but didn't get out of bed until 8:30. I did relax at lease even if I did not sleep well. Craig slept fine, as he normally does and woke at 9:30. We decided to run a few errands before picking him up and arrived at their house at 11. Linc was so excited to see us and we got a great report! Youg said it was hard for her to let him cry when she put him down, so she did rock him to sleep, which I understand, it is hard to hear. She put him down around 7:30 and he didn't wake until 6:10 on Sunday. I was really excited to hear this. The funny thing is Yong said she could not sleep either because she was nervous to have him there, so funny how moms are the same! So the sleep over was a big success! Wow that was a lot of writing and a very big weekend for us, I think I will go have a brownie!

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