Monday, July 6, 2009

Our Schillterbahn 4th

It was fourth of July this past weekend, and for our family that means a trip to New Braunfels, TX to play at Schlitterbahn. Like always, we stay at Schillterbahn on the Resort at the Rapids. Normally we have to share a room with someone, but with the addition of a baby we finally got our own room!!! I feel so grown up, haha. Although last year we did have a condo and we got the biggest room there because of Lincoln. He has proven to provide us lots of perks when traveling.

So we were dreading the ride down after the plane ride home from CT. He surprised us and did great on the 4 hour ride. He took two naps and watched Cars, Madagascar and Elf. We also stopped at the outlet malls in San Marcos and shopped for 4 hours and he did great there too. I guess he just decided he was going to chill and let us do what we needed, I mean wanted to do, haha.

Did I mention that I love outlet shopping? I even printed out the store maps a few days before and planned where I needed to go, and if we could, wanted to go. I had over 10 stores highlighted and I almost made it to all of them. We started adding up what we had spent so far and decided it was time to stop. Plus, Linc was finally getting tired of the shopping so it was time to head on over to the hotel. But I got some great steals, that's for sure, even a new Coach sling purse, cute!!!

I want to warn you that this is a long post, but it is mostly pictures. I just didn't want to have to break it up again like the CT trip. I hope you enjoy all the pictures that are to come. It might make you want to make a trip to Schillterbahn.

So this is day 2, because day one was all travel and outlet mall. Craig began his day golfing with my dad and brother. I went for a run and then my mom, Linc and I headed over to the H.E.B. to go grocery shopping. I really wish we had one close by, I really love the store, they have everything.

After the boys got back we headed to the playground and pool. Here are some pictures of the fun we had. Here are Linc and Craig heading down the many stairs. This was the only way to get to and from the pool and play area so our legs got quite a workout this weekend.

They even walk alike and look alike from behind.

Uh oh, someone saw the river. We spent most of our time trying to keep him away from it. He really wanted to get in and have fun with all the other people. My child is not scared of water, which in this case is a bad thing.

Here are my parents, the wonderful hosts of our yearly trip. Thanks guys!

We finally got him interested in the jungle gym.

He just kept climbing up and down.

This was Friday's river crowd. I didn't get a picture of Saturday's, but it was way bigger.

Me and my baby boy.

Trying to snap a picture with my mom.

Well, that is as good as it is going to get, but I will take it!

Coming back from swimming, or maybe chasing him from the river. He loved the pool. It was a beach entry type and only went up to 3 feet, perfect for kids. He really just wanted to swim all by himself, but he needs to learn to float first. He has the feet and hands down.

Playing in the river tubes.

Excited to see Grandma back from the river.

So sweet

Excited to see grandpa!

As we all know, it was 104 this weekend. Well even babies sweat, you can see it running down Linc's forehead.

Look at that belly

Daddy had to slide too and Linc was there to catch him, just like his daddy did for him.

Yes, you caught me eating rocks.

Linc with my brother Bob and my nephew Ryan. My sister-in-law was in Italy, lucky!

Going to the river again, haha.

Day 3 was 4th of July. I started the day with another run and then Craig and I headed to the park. We wanted to get some rides in before we took Lincoln in. My mom and dad watched Linc and we said we would be back after his nap. Well we only got to ride two rides in the 3.5 hours we were there, it was so crowded. And I am sure you all are like duh, but normally it is not that bad on the 4th. A girl at work mentioned it might be because people are taking vacations closer to home to save money.
After a 2 hour nap, we took Linc into the park. He had a blast on all the kiddie slides but was worn out in 1.5 hours. So we packed it up, had a hot dog and put him off to bed. We did get to see the fireworks this year and they were really good. I didn't get many pictures of this day.
Here is Craig being tube crazy for hotdogs.
Couple picture!


This is day 4, the day we went home. Linc had a rough night and woke up about 5 times! Craig was sweet and let me sleep in since I had been up all night with him. When I got up I found Linc with this coffee mug. Maybe that is why he couldn't sleep all night, he has taken up a coffee habit, just kidding.

My grandparents also came and had a good time. They did a day trip to Fredricksburg one day and hung out with my parents the next. Here is my grandpa driving Linc around in my grandma's scooter.

My mom was always in her bathing suit. If she could wear it to work, I think she would!

My dad waking us good bye.

We had a great trip, but the ride home sucked. Isn't that always the case? It was 7 hours driving home. There was so much traffic on 35, everyone decided to go home the same time as us I guess. Well that is the end of the show, I hope you stuck with me!

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