Sunday, February 28, 2010

My Little Valentine

I know this post is a little late, but Lincoln had a great Valentine's day.  With all the snow we had the Friday before, Lincoln's school party got delayed to Monday.  Also because of the snow, Craig's parents stayed with us because their power was out.  So on Sunday, Craig's mom gave Lincoln a goodie bag for Valentines Day.  He is in love with suckers right now, so she hit the spot with this gift.
And he also loves monkies, so that was a big hit as well.  He drug it around all week with him.
He had also had donuts that morning, so he was on a roll.  Later he even got to go to lunch with my parents and have banana pudding.  It was a day full of fun and sugar for all.  Craig ended the wonderful day by making me a yummy steak and having Lincoln bring me my gift.  It was a bunch of fun!
After all the snow cleared, Lincoln had his school party on Monday.  I brought up rice crispy treats and little goodies for all the kids.  Each child got to come home with Valentine's grams from all their classmates.  They all had a good time.  Here is Lincoln and some of his classmates.  You can see Linc's a ladies man, his table is filled with almost all girls.
There was a banner with all the kids names on it, here is Linc's name.
I love both my Valentines! Kiss Kiss
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