I have been posting like crazy today, so check out the latest 4 posts, just trying to catch up.
Today Linc, Paula and I celebrated Lincoln's 2nd birthday with a donut breakfast (Craig was out playing paintball). Craig and I are still in a debate as to what day to celebrate. Craig says that we should celebrate on March 1st, since that is the day he would have been born on if it was not a leap year. I lean towards what this guy at my work(who was also a leap year baby) says that since he was born in February his birthday should be celebrated in February. It is almost a moot point because in my family we celebrate birthdays for the whole month, so in the grand sceme of things, who cares, haha!
We already started out his birthday celebration on Friday with a school party. I forgot my camera, but we brought up cupcake for everyone to enjoy. Yong, Craig and I all got to attend and Linc was so happy to show us off to his friends. He was acting super spoiled and wanted two cupcakes, haha.
Today, Linc enjoyed a sprinkle donut for breakfast, one of his favorites. He also had almost a whole dozen donut holes as well.
Ready to blow out the candle.
Mmm, look at that donut. And I love this cake plate that I got for my birthday.
Now it is time to enjoy!
We are so excited that God blessed us with two wonderful years with this little man. We can't wait to see what is in store for the future. He is such a joy in our lives and has really grown over the past year. Some of the things he is up to now:
- Speaking 5-6 word sentences and repeating new words everyday
-Understanding English or Orders (as Jen K would put it, haha)
-Counting to 10 (sometimes skipping some numbers)
-Singing a few favorite songs (Twinkle Twinkle, Happy Birthday and as of today, Jesus Loves Me)
-Actaully taking longer naps on the weekends (which seems like it should be the opposite to me)
-Upgraded to size 4 diapers (as of today)
-Outgrowing his 18 month clothes, finally
-Not interested in potty training, but loves to read the Potty Book
-Eating a bit better and trying new things everyday
-Giving Hugs and Kisses anytime someone leaves
-Still not watching TV (which is fine by us), but getting interested in the Thomas the Train Show (mind you it is like 5 minutes long, haha)
Overall, he is growing so fast before our eyes, I sometimes catch my self just staring at him. I love this little man so much and I see so much of Craig and myself in him.
We hope that all the parties he has been to have prepared him for his party this weekend. We will be having a pirate party on his new ship. I know he will love having all his friends over to play on it. I will get pictures up as soon as I can, we can't wait!