Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween Picture Extravaganza

We have really been gearing up for this Halloween. We knew it would be the first one that Linc would actually want to take part in, so we sought out to find the best costume for him. We had been leaning towards a skunk or penguin, but my mom said that a monkey would be best for our little monkey, duh!

Everywhere we turned this year it seemed like there was some place to wear his costume. We missed boo at the zoo this year, but his school had a party. It was our off day, but I really wanted him to have a fun time trick or treating with his school buddies, so we took him in anyway. We put him in his monkey outfit and set the wild man free. This time he didn't seem to like the hat, where as last time it was the feet. Here he is at school getting ready to trick or treat.

He came home with a big stash for just his school, woo hoo. I think it geared him up for the next day, Halloween. He let us put the whole costume on and didn't take it off but a few times! But before I get to pictures of Linc and his super fun Halloween, I have to show you what Craig worked on for two straight days. He is what you would call a typical procrastinator and didn't think of his costume until Wednesday. But after working on it for hours, this was the end result.

Yes, he went as Jack from Jack in the box. He made the whole thing himself out of paper mache, foam, mesh and a few other items. It tuned out so great, he even won best costume at the Brawley's Halloween party, go Craig!

Moving on to the party, Linc was so ready to trick or treat and see Avery of course. He kept asking about her.

I went as a banana tree, I think it worked with Linc's costume.

Monkeying around

Hugs for Avery the witch. She was the cutest witch I have seen.

Niki also went as a witch, they matched really well.

Levi was a dragon, here are the kids.

They also had some games, one was the mummy wrap. It was a lot of fun.

Here is the group girls shot, some pretty great costumes.

Boys group shot, a lot of great ones here too, I was impressed.

Zombie, two witches and a dragon...Aka: The Brawley Family.

Me and my monkey.

He was having so much fun running to all the houses, it was hard to keep up with him. Niki's neighborhood has a lot of steep driveways and he was cracking up running down them. He kept saying, "fun, fun!"

The best part was getting the candy. He even knew that after they gave you a piece you turned around and left, good job! Oh and the cute bag, complements of Jennifer Borg. She made them for all the kids at her boo bash, so cute!

I had to make that yummy cake again, I think it is my new favorite. I made it half the size though, but it came out great.

We had a blast at the party. It is a great way to get all the kids together for trick or treating but still have fun with the adults. I think Linc had a great hall for his first real trick or treat (last year was more for us). His favorite candy is now lollipops. I think he had three today. I am so glad that the Brawley's have this party, it is fun every year and we look forward to it. In Linc's goody bag there were fangs and so we had to try them on. He looks like a little green vampire, cutest one I've seen!

Happy Halloween!
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nbrawley said...

Those fangs gave me quite the laugh! Haha!! We are glad you guys look forward to the party each year. I think this year was our all time best. YAY! We have already talked about new ideas. lol.

Dana said...

Love all the costumes-so creative!! Craig makes a great Jack. Lincoln looks so cute in his monkey costume-looks like he enjoyed Halloween.

April said...

Oh my gosh Amy! That monkey costume is the cutest thing I've ever seen!

Tori said...

What a fun halloween! Lincoln's costume was too cute! What a sweet little monkey!

Jaime said...

LOVE the costume! That is what Jaeger was going to be, but I went cheap this year! maybe next year.