Monday, January 17, 2011

Four Months for K Mae

Kennedy, you turned four months on January 8th, your first milestone in 2011!  We are so excited with each month because we learn something new about you.

You continue to grow so fast!  Here is what is new this month:
-You weigh 16.3 pounds (90%)
-You are 25.5 inches long (97%)
-You wear size 3 diapers now.  I am kinda sad because the size three sensitive pampers don't have the pee indicator on them like the newborn - size 2.  It was just fun to see it turn from yellow to green, oh well.
-You still wear 3-6 month clothes, but that is because I don't want to go out and buy new ones.  I will squeeze you into them for as long as I can, haha.  You could easily fit into 6-9 month because we have a few outfits that size and they fit you great.
-Your nursing schedule bumped up this month.  You nurse about 10 times a day.
-Your nursing went up because you sleep stretches are worse.  You get up about 3-4 times a night now, and we are both feeling the tiredness. Now that you are four months, we can try a sleep training program.
-Your doctor said it would be a good idea to start solids, and you have slowly started to like them.  The doctor recommends veggies over cereal and you seem to like them better too but have only tried squash.
-You are trying hard to roll from back to front and sitting up a lot better, still not on your own.
-Daddy can get you to giggle and I just got you to today!  It is the best.
-You like to sit in your walker and hit the music board.
-No teeth yet, but you are drooling like crazy and teething on everything.
-You have the best smile and it just makes my day.

I have been back at work for a month now and sometimes I wonder if I will ever adjust.  It has been a lot harder to go back this time knowing all that I am missing with her.  I know as the months continue to come it will get easier. 

I mean, look at that face, how could you not want look at it all day long.  BTW, that hat is ridiculous, but I love it!

Happy four months Kennedy Mae, we love you!

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