Sunday, October 11, 2009

Projects and Little Gym

Last week I made a cake that I saw on MckMama's blog for my friends jewelry party. The instructions seemed easy, it was just the time frame that worried me. You have to chill the cake between layering and icings. Well six hours later this masterpiece appeared.
Now I am not professional when it comes to icing, so to me this was pretty good. Unfortunately the party did not happen because the host got sick. So I put the cake in the freezer with the intent to use it for my dad and brother's birthday party this weekend. Well that didn't happen because my nephew got sick, so I decided I could wait no longer to break into it.
Here is the first ever six layer cake I have made. I think it came out great if I do say so myself. Not only did it look good, it tasted great. I made the icing myself, so it had it own unique flavor.

It looks so pretty cut. I have been trying to give it away to any takers because there is no way we can eat this by ourselves.

Linc resumed Little Gym last week and is having a blast. He is not much for listening to the teacher, but he does love to explore all the fun stuff around him. This time we both went so I got to take pictures of him at play!

On the balance beam, look at him go!

He loves bubble time.

They even blew up the whatever this thing is, he loved it and it was the first time he had been on it.

CHECK OUT his jumping video!

While he had fun for the most part, he was a little cranky so we had to pick him up a lot.
The new skill they learned today was rolling backwards, check out the video of me attempting to help him. I keep saying, I can't do it, haha!

He was ready for a nap after this class!

We wanted to go to the zoo, but decided against it since it was kinda cold. Instead we decided to do some things around the house. A few weeks ago I bought four of these frames at Hobby Lobby for a steal.

They were cute as is, but I didn't want all 4 to say the same thing so I decided I would paint them. When Linc woke up he decided to help sand and buff them, what a good helper.

Then I painted them a dark brown to match our house. When they dried today they looked kinda plain so I will have to do a stencil on them or something. They are going to look great above the TV.

Linc is off to help daddy with his project after he helped me paint.

Craig's job was to replace the door jams. They old ones were worn out and had been letting air pass through and letting in insects, yuck!

They fixed all three doors and now we are airtight just in time for winter, good job!

After our busy day, Craig asked me on a date. Youg and Doug took Linc for the night and Craig and I headed to The Keg for dinner, it was great. I love that place. Then we headed out to see Couples Retreat, it was really funny. It was a great night, we need more nights like that. Hope you all had a great weekend!
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nbrawley said...

The cake turned out wonderful and it was soo delicious...I am so glad you don't mind me using the recipe for Levi's birthday cake! TOOO CUTE!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love your cake! It turned out sooo nice! I might have to make a colored cake for Mae's next birthday. Great job!!


Emma's Mommy and Daddy said...

how was the little gym? we are having emma's 1st birthday there in february. cake is super cute, too!