Sunday, October 25, 2009

Boo Bash & Results

This Thursday was my last day of bootcamp for my second session. I could tell I have made some changes because the class was overall not as hard, but still hard enough that I felt I got a great workout. We did a bunch of running drills this time so I was hoping that made my mile faster. Sure enough it did help, I shaved another 40 or so seconds off from last time, now I can do a 8 minute 38 second mile. To me that is great since I started out well over 10 for the first boot camp. I also lost more weight, a little over 3 pounds and another inch in the waist. I was super happy and I can tell for sure in my clothes. With the two classes together I lost over 9 pounds, I am really proud of my self. Now I really just want to tone myself up, so that is my next step.

Friday we got invited to Jennifer Borg's Boo Bash. Everyone was suppose to dress up but I just could not decide what I wanted to wear, so I put on this Halloween shirt I got a few years back and called that my costume, haha. Since Linc is going to be a monkey on Halloween day, I decided to put him in his first Korean Birthday outfit, he looked really cute.

Here is Niki and Levi with Linc about to decorate the pumpkins.

Cute pumpkin picture.

All of us decorating the pumpkins.

The little witches.

The Brawley's!

Linc was trying to get away, but you get the idea.

Saturday morning before I went for a run, Linc wanted to try out my iPod. He even put it in his ears, it was so cute. He such a technical man just like his daddy.

Of course he also thought it was a phone, haha.

Saturday night Craig's parents took Linc so we could go to a wedding for one of Craig's cube mates. It is still strange to me when Linc is not there at night. I often wake up to check the monitor and realize that he is not there, which then freaks me out until I realize he is with Craig's parents. I am sure I will get use to it in time, it would be nice if I could relax since that is the purpose. Hope you all had a great weekend.

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Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Miscellaneous Weekend

This weekend felt like a modge podge craft project. Little fun here, an unintended trip there and when you mix it all in with a sick mommy and baby and you get this...our weekend.

We missed the Just Between Friends Sale in Fort Worth this season so I have been waiting for one in the metroplex to come up. If you don't know what JBF is, you have to check it out. Since it was our off day, we headed out to the Arlington one. The one ii FW is huge, so I expected the same thing only to be disappointed. They were mostly picked over (b/c they have a pre-sale for sellers) and it was only the first day an hour into the sale!

After that Linc was sleepy so we just started heading back home, he fell asleep in the car and we both decided to just keep driving since he is so hard to get back to sleep if you wake him. He slept for a while and we ended up heading to Weatherford where Craig suggested we keep driving because he had seen this cool playset when he went canoeing in Mineralwells a few weekends ago.

We finally got to Mineralwells and saw this!

Well at least the ship part, we didn't see the castle. It was so cool. Linc woke up just in time for us to get there and played all over it. He had a blast. Now we want one in our backyard, but it will take a lot of pennies saved to get it, it is not cheap!

We stopped off for food on the way back and got home a little after 1pm. Unfortunately my day just went down hill from there. All the sudden I came down when a horrible stomach virus that would leave me unable to eat until today, it sucked. Linc had it too which made it even worse since he has been sick all week with the respiratory virus, poor baby.

The show must go on, so on Saturday Craig went and played golf with my Dad, brother and nephew for my Dad and brother's birthday. They headed out to one of the nicest courses around here, Tour 18.

Isn't it beautiful, I wish I could have seen it in person.

Craig was nervous he was going to do bad since it is such a hard course, but he tied with my brother and he is really good! Go Craig! Look at the house behind, nice right!

Here is my dad, nice swing.

Here is Ryan, my nephew, he is so tall now I almost can't tell him apart from his dad.

Here is my brother putting in a good shot.

Today, Sunday, I started to feel a little better, but really tired since I have not had food in a day and a half. Craig felt like he was sick too, and Linc had the opportunity to go with my parents to my grandparents house. So off he went while we rested. Before he got home I convinced Craig to hang up these 4 pictures above our TV. He said he would do it, but that was it because he still felt a little under the weather.

These are the finished product of my project last weekend with the frames I painted. I added a stencil and I think they turned out great. I think it really makes the TV area pop.

While I was taking pictures, I wanted to put the updated picture wall. We updated it a few weeks ago, but I have not posted any pictures of it. It contains all his 18 month pictures with a few extra frames, I really love it.

I also added some pictures in the entry way so I could still use some of the pictures that got displaced by his 18 month pictures.

This was done soon after we moved it, but I was not sure if I posted about it or not. I love sid dicken's plaques, I hope to get more soon but they are so darn expensive.

To end the weekend I wanted to try on Linc's Halloween costume. He is going to be a monkey for Halloween, suits him, right?

He seems to like it except for the shoes, haha. I figured it would be the hat, but he was focused on getting those shoes off.

Our little Monkey hopes you all had a great weekend!
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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Prove It!

If I have learned one thing in the past month it is to appreciate my man even more. Craig has been out of town 3 times in the last month and a half and it seems I am always having to prove to myself that I can handle things when he is away. I know I can handle the normal day to day while he is away, it is the unusual that scares me. Something strange always seems to happen when he is away.

Over the summer it was the air going out for a whole weekend while he was gone. I had to call the air people, learn how to defrost the air conditioner and then get it started back up. It is always something, while never extreme, it is always an annoying situation that is better handled by him or both of us together.

Well I think this week tops it off so far (although having no air in the summer really sucked). Craig headed to Cali on Monday for business and I had the day off (thank you government and Columbus). I took Linc into school so I could get some errands done. I felt an ear infection coming on so I first heading into the ENT. While waiting to be called back, the receptionist asks me to come around the corner and informs me that my car had been hit in the parking lot and that I needed to meet the police down there. Of course Craig took my car to the airport so I was in our brand new Suburban at the ENT! I go down there to find that our 2 week old car has had the bumper knocked clear off on one side. I started to cry, it does not even have the tags yet! It was a hit and run, but they found the guy since they had cameras in the parking lot. This is something Craig would normally deal with. But I had to call his insurance and an adjuster and a body shop, oh man it takes a lot of work to get a car fixed.

Tuesdays I get a call from Linc's school that he has a fever and I need to come get him. I can't get him an appointment until 4:30 that afternoon and then we are there until 6:30, thirty minutes before his bed time. The doctor says he has a respiratory virus and send us home with no meds. About 7pm Linc starts to act so sleepy he can't even eat his dinner and I find out he is burning up. He ends up having a 104 temp and so I have to call everyone to find out how to get it down. We are so blessed to have such great family because I was out of meds to get his temp down so my dad went and stocked us up. It would have been hard for me to do that with Linc since he was in no shape to go anywhere. Craig's mom came by too to check on him. If Craig where here we could have taken care of it, but on my own I was worried I was not doing the right thing.

Needless to say it has been an overwhelming week and it is only Wednesday! I can't wait for Craig's return, because then things will turn back to normal. This kind of stuff only seems to happen when he is gone. It is like someone wants me to prove that I can do it on my own. I will say that I can handle things, but not entirely on my own. I can handle it because I have the great support of my family. Both of our mom's know what it is like to be in my situation since our dad's traveled a lot when we were young. They both say that anything that can happen will happen when the men are away so just prepare!

I just don't know how single mom's do it, but I know they do. I think it would be different if that was the way I was raised or if that is how I raised Lincoln. I guess I have been spoiled by a great husband and partner and all I want now is for him to come home. We love you Craig!

On a funnier note, I think Linc is ready for a little sister, haha, just watch!

Too bad it will be a while before that happens. But isn't he good a feeding Avery, I was so impressed. He is such a good little boyfriend.
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Sunday, October 11, 2009

Projects and Little Gym

Last week I made a cake that I saw on MckMama's blog for my friends jewelry party. The instructions seemed easy, it was just the time frame that worried me. You have to chill the cake between layering and icings. Well six hours later this masterpiece appeared.
Now I am not professional when it comes to icing, so to me this was pretty good. Unfortunately the party did not happen because the host got sick. So I put the cake in the freezer with the intent to use it for my dad and brother's birthday party this weekend. Well that didn't happen because my nephew got sick, so I decided I could wait no longer to break into it.
Here is the first ever six layer cake I have made. I think it came out great if I do say so myself. Not only did it look good, it tasted great. I made the icing myself, so it had it own unique flavor.

It looks so pretty cut. I have been trying to give it away to any takers because there is no way we can eat this by ourselves.

Linc resumed Little Gym last week and is having a blast. He is not much for listening to the teacher, but he does love to explore all the fun stuff around him. This time we both went so I got to take pictures of him at play!

On the balance beam, look at him go!

He loves bubble time.

They even blew up the whatever this thing is, he loved it and it was the first time he had been on it.

CHECK OUT his jumping video!

While he had fun for the most part, he was a little cranky so we had to pick him up a lot.
The new skill they learned today was rolling backwards, check out the video of me attempting to help him. I keep saying, I can't do it, haha!

He was ready for a nap after this class!

We wanted to go to the zoo, but decided against it since it was kinda cold. Instead we decided to do some things around the house. A few weeks ago I bought four of these frames at Hobby Lobby for a steal.

They were cute as is, but I didn't want all 4 to say the same thing so I decided I would paint them. When Linc woke up he decided to help sand and buff them, what a good helper.

Then I painted them a dark brown to match our house. When they dried today they looked kinda plain so I will have to do a stencil on them or something. They are going to look great above the TV.

Linc is off to help daddy with his project after he helped me paint.

Craig's job was to replace the door jams. They old ones were worn out and had been letting air pass through and letting in insects, yuck!

They fixed all three doors and now we are airtight just in time for winter, good job!

After our busy day, Craig asked me on a date. Youg and Doug took Linc for the night and Craig and I headed to The Keg for dinner, it was great. I love that place. Then we headed out to see Couples Retreat, it was really funny. It was a great night, we need more nights like that. Hope you all had a great weekend!
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Friday, October 9, 2009

The TV Won This Week

This week was busy, but instead of writing I decided to veg and watch all the new shows on TV. Summer was a nice time to start blogging because there wasn't a lot on and I was not doing bootcamp. It seems that combo(bootcamp and new shows) along with my everyday stuff has left me little time to journal the events of our days.

Let me first say that I was crushed last season when ER ended. I never thought another show could be so epic as I have watched that since the beginning. I use to watch the reruns at the gym on the machine TVs in college. I am happy to say I have found a few medical replacements, first being Trauma on NBC. Man that is one action packed show, not so much like ER, but it will do. I hope it makes it. Then there is Mercy which I like because I have always secretly wanted to be a nurse. The show revolves around a nurse and her life after coming back from Iraq. It is more of a drama/comedy, with more drama than comedy.

The new shows are actually making me stressed out because I don't want to miss any of them or I will feel left out at the water cooler, haha. Our water cooler is more like shouting over our desks, you know the people in the other department next to us just love that. So I can't miss anything or it will get spoiled for me. That means from the moment that Linc hits the sheets until we hit the sheets it is TV watching time.

It seems like for now my other two regular hobbies (blogging and reading) have to be put on hold until the weekends.

So really what has been going on this week? Well we have had a lot of rain and the weather has been really crazy. Linc has learned the word "burr" and many other new words. We have been practicing on his "trick or treat" and he comes pretty close. We finally decided on a costume for him, now we need to find something to coordinate. We had a bunch of spiders decide to show up in the house which has been haunting me all week. Luckily they came out today to spray for them, thank goodness. I have had horrible dreams all week, because in my dreams they are tarantulas launching themselves at me, freaky!

Other than that we have been doing our normal stuff. Since it rained today I wore my fun rain boots. Linc saw me put them away and had to try them on, enjoy!

They almost fit, haha. He could not even walk in them.

"Cheese!" They actually match his shirt, how fun.

Ok, that was fun, now it is daddy's turn.

I think those look great on you honey, too bad they are 5 sizes too small, haha.

Random, but speaking of huge feet, Linc is wearing a size 7 shoe now. Isn't that a bit big for a 19 month old? We think so, but they keep growing. If it keeps going this way he will have clown feet like his dad. Have a great weekend!

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Friday, October 2, 2009

18 Month Checkup and More!

We all know that Linc loves to play in my shoes. Normally he puts on a matching pair, but Monday he decided he wanted to be a little wild and mix it up. Oh and just so you know we don't normally use bids at home so his shirt is really dirty from dinner.

He is sporting one herringbone brown heal and one hot pink heal, I think he wants to make sure he is ready for any occasion.

I have seen socks with sandals, but never socks with heals, this is a new trend (I really hope not!).

Looking like his Grandma Yong, they love to squat like this, but it hurts my legs too much.

He wanted to go show the neighbors his keen fashion sense.

Last Saturday we traded in our Tahoe for a Suburban. This is our new car. Now why would we need a car this big? No reason other than so we can fit Linc's baby gear in the back seat and still have a functioning back seat(it was always out in the Tahoe so we could fit stuff). This one was also fully loaded and we got a good deal so we couldn't pass it up.

Wednesday night Ginger, Bob and Ryan came over for dinner. Linc was super excited to have new playmates. He made them all get in his house with him. First it was just Bob and Ryan.

Then Ginger got in as well. It was a full house, but Linc loved it. He has been asking both Craig and I to get in ever since. He just loves to have people around him just like me.

Today was Linc's 18 month appointment, although he is actually 19 months. It was a really bad time to have his check up since the flu is going around. I have never seen his doctors office so packed, especially not at 9 in the morning.
Linc was a little rascal for the doctor, but she did say that he was saying a lot more words than normal which excited us. We had noticed that he has been repeating a lot of what we say now. Linc weighed in at 23.4 lbs (20th percentile). He was 33 1/2 inches tall, which is a big improvement from last time (75th percentile). Oh and like normal he has a huge head, haha! We are happy about that weight because last time he was in the 10th percentile, so he is doing better with food now. He got 4 shots today (it could have only been 2 or 3 but 4 actual needles). Unfortunately he did not get his flu shot because they were all out. I think I will have to find it somewhere else because I can't wait 3 weeks for them to get them in. Overall he did great with all those shots and good on his checkup, he is moving right along.
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