Friday, October 2, 2009

18 Month Checkup and More!

We all know that Linc loves to play in my shoes. Normally he puts on a matching pair, but Monday he decided he wanted to be a little wild and mix it up. Oh and just so you know we don't normally use bids at home so his shirt is really dirty from dinner.

He is sporting one herringbone brown heal and one hot pink heal, I think he wants to make sure he is ready for any occasion.

I have seen socks with sandals, but never socks with heals, this is a new trend (I really hope not!).

Looking like his Grandma Yong, they love to squat like this, but it hurts my legs too much.

He wanted to go show the neighbors his keen fashion sense.

Last Saturday we traded in our Tahoe for a Suburban. This is our new car. Now why would we need a car this big? No reason other than so we can fit Linc's baby gear in the back seat and still have a functioning back seat(it was always out in the Tahoe so we could fit stuff). This one was also fully loaded and we got a good deal so we couldn't pass it up.

Wednesday night Ginger, Bob and Ryan came over for dinner. Linc was super excited to have new playmates. He made them all get in his house with him. First it was just Bob and Ryan.

Then Ginger got in as well. It was a full house, but Linc loved it. He has been asking both Craig and I to get in ever since. He just loves to have people around him just like me.

Today was Linc's 18 month appointment, although he is actually 19 months. It was a really bad time to have his check up since the flu is going around. I have never seen his doctors office so packed, especially not at 9 in the morning.
Linc was a little rascal for the doctor, but she did say that he was saying a lot more words than normal which excited us. We had noticed that he has been repeating a lot of what we say now. Linc weighed in at 23.4 lbs (20th percentile). He was 33 1/2 inches tall, which is a big improvement from last time (75th percentile). Oh and like normal he has a huge head, haha! We are happy about that weight because last time he was in the 10th percentile, so he is doing better with food now. He got 4 shots today (it could have only been 2 or 3 but 4 actual needles). Unfortunately he did not get his flu shot because they were all out. I think I will have to find it somewhere else because I can't wait 3 weeks for them to get them in. Overall he did great with all those shots and good on his checkup, he is moving right along.
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1 comment:

April said...

Love the new ride and of course Linc's super fancy shoe statement! :-)